Published conditional knock-out line

Another strain that you might find useful is a conditional DHPS mouse line also available from Jax as a cryopreserved line, donated by Dr. Mirmira. This strain has been used in several publications:

Levasseur et al 2019. Hypusine biosynthesis in β cells links polyamine metabolism to facultative cellular proliferation to maintain glucose homeostasis. Sci Signal. Dec 3;12(610):eaax0715.

Padgett LR, et al 2021. Deoxyhypusine synthase, an essential enzyme for hypusine biosynthesis, is required for proper exocrine pancreas development. FASEB J. May;35(5):e21473.

Anderson-Baucum et al 2021. Deoxyhypusine synthase promotes a pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype. Cell Metab. Sep 7;33(9):1883-1893.e7.

Connors CT, et al 2024. Translational Regulatory Mechanism Mediated by Hypusinated Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 5A Facilitates β-Cell Identity and Function. Diabetes. Mar 1;73(3):461-473.