What if my child is not eligible under IDEA?

Educational Support and Services

  • Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act:
    • Although IDEA applies to birth to 21 aged individuals, it only covers those students who satisfy its definition of “disabled” (see the 13 requirements listed previously).
    • The definition of “disabled” is much more broad under section 504, so students who do not benefit from IDEA may under section 504.
  • What is a 504 Plan?
    • 504 PLAN: Does not require a child to have one or more of the 13 federal requirements for special education support or services under IDEA. However, like an IEP, a 504 Plan also serves as a plan for a child’s educational success. There are 2 requirements for an 504 Plan:
      • The child must have a disability, which can include many different learning or attention issues.
      • The disability must interfere with the child’s ability to learn in a general education classroom. Section 504 defines a disability as any impairment that substantially limits one or more basic life activity, such as learning.
  • As with an IEP, 504 Plans come at no cost to parents, and are legally required to have annual reviews.
  • 504 Plan teams typically consist of the parents, General and Special Education teachers, and the school administrator.